Application SSC Master ORDERS is intended for electronic application and execution of orders within the organization. It implements the entire circulation and ordering of orders on the side of electronic circulation, starting from the submission of demand for goods / services, by collecting appropriate offers and selecting the right supplier, ending with monitoring the stages of their implementation.
The application registers all orders not directly related to the sales process. This applies to the demand for consumables, fixed assets, and various types of services. The solution is fully integrated with the ERP system and works closely with the SSC Master Invoices application, giving the possibility of full control between the accepted demand under the order and received purchase invoices. People managing the purchasing process in the organization have in one place gathered all the demand for indicated goods and services. It is possible to start interacting with external suppliers who in the B2B supplier area will find information about the orders ordered, the status of their implementation and invoices associated with them. Depending on the level of detail of the order, actions are taken to qualify and initiating further steps in accordance with the established procedures. The created order describes in detail the path of the given demand. It sets the level of acceptance of the application, categorizes the application by type, assigns the order to the user, contains a detailed specification and justification of expenses. Finally, the order is created, which is sent to the ERP system, where the order is automatically compared with the invoice and the possible differences are reflected in the appropriate fields of the form.

- Placing orders and monitoring the stages of their implementation,
- Creating decrees and comparing completed orders with the original demand,
- Generating PZ documents and a list of differences,
- A multi-level document acceptance path,
- Creating reports and statistics in accordance with the access rights and roles of participants in the process,
- Automatic notifications and circuits as part of defined procedures,
- Clear and clear user interface,
- Simplification and acceleration of the process of handling demand and orders,
- Reducing the workload of administration and accounting staff,
- Integration with the SSC Master Invoices application,
- Saving office supplies thanks to the use of electronic forms,
- Integration with the ERP environment.
Business benefits:
- Easiness of submission and monitoring of the stages of order fulfillment,
- Creating decrees and comparing completed orders,
- Managing the flow of demand and orders from users,
- Clear and clear user interface,
- Acceptance cycles of documents in accordance with the organizational structure of the company,
- Coherent and uniform system of registration and settlement of orders,
- Accelerating the process of circulation and acceptance of documents,
- Reducing the work load of the procurement and accounting department,
- Convenient access to data and reports,
- Notifications and statements by circulation status,
- Data exchange with the ERP system.