Professional support of customers and business partners requires a comfortable and complete support environment. Before deciding on the best SSC/BPO software for your goals, it is worth checking the quality of documentation and training materials – making sure that they are at least as good as those provided by SSC Master
Listening to the expectations of our current and potential customers and strategic Partners, we decided to develop a complete support environment for the SSC Master application. The portal was made public in the first days of January 2023 and is our New Year’s gift for all interested parties – we hope it brings many benefits to current and future users of our applications. As promised, it’s updated regularly and provides content in the most convenient formats for recipients. Below you can find some information about this new environment; we invite you to familiarize yourself with this new support tool dedicated to SSC Master solutions:
We tried to arrange the materials so that reaching for further information was intuitive and consistent with the process of learning more and more complex functions of the system. They have a granular design, which allows flexible changes and extensions based on signals from users – the most important for us are the opinions, suggestions, and ideas of actual users of the environment. Thanks to them, the support system will be gradually developed and improved to better suit your needs. But you have to start somewhere, and we leave the assessment (even if it is to be strict) to our Clients and Partners.
This is one of the essential mechanisms of the portal because we need more time and expect an answer as soon as possible. Thanks to efficient content indexing, users can reach specific issues using keywords and natural and not necessarily professional language. The search mode is well-known to most Internet users; we only try to use this ubiquitous habit. We hope it will be helpful and used frequently.
When developing materials, we tried to avoid technical jargon and high-sounding terms. The information should be concise, specific, and entirely understandable to all users. We believe it is, but we will monitor you to your satisfaction and incorporate the essential user tips into updates. We have focused on specific issues and answers to frequently asked questions.
Despite the considerable time consuming of film materials, we decided to use them. The contemporary viewer needs help tracing the content in detail, and a few-minute film material can answer several issues simultaneously. A picture can replace a thousand words, and animated images probably even more. We assume that videos will be the most popular way of obtaining the most general information about the functionalities available in SSC Master, they complement our training today, and perhaps shortly, they will completely replace them. The current library of our videos contains several items in two languages (English and Polish); after receiving confirmation from users of its usefulness, we will gradually expand it.
This is another way to provide the best and fastest answers to SSC Master users. There is so much going on during the working day, and some duties require increased attention and meticulousness. Users can quickly and conveniently find the materials they want using shortened and contextual tips. Regardless of their format or location in the knowledge base structure. It is worth using them.
AND ONE MORE IMPORTANT THING: the portal looks great and works great on Android and Apple iOS mobile devices in two languages: PL & ENG. We invite you to test the new support tools personally!
SSC Master support Team |
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