SSC Master is a workflow software provider founded and entirely owned by experienced engineers and business consultants. The company was founded in December 2014 as the spin-off inheriting the matured and fully operational products, significant learning curve, experience and active contracts with customers. SSC Master has received no financial outside investments yet.
The company focuses on selling and renting carefully designed and integrated applications from the back office software family providing customers with full meaning consultancy, support and flexibility. From the strategic perspective, the company’s flagship product is complete and deep expertise in business workflows and ERP systems integration, filled with innovative solution delivery models, availability and user convenience in mind. The shareholders are interested in taking the company to the next level in terms of business needs understanding, solution perfection and sales burst in the next few years. Solutions provided command the impressive and growing market share. With their flagship product, SSC Master back-office workflows, company plans to maintain a growing market share. These goals will be maintained by adhering to three keys to success: expertise, customer satisfaction and the right management team. The strategy pillars and also the main competitive differentiators are high fidelity workflows integrated with any ERP system, engaged and business sensitive support, strong and direct partnerships with technology leaders like IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and others. Concerning the sophisticated security requirements including ISO27001 guidelines the company focuses on cloud located solutions and fully exploits the potential of EXEA Data Center in Torun, Poland. That Tier 3 technical locations allows full meaning security, scalability and redundancy necessary for real business and public organisations operations. Among the customers there are entities of any scale, the bigger corporate international companies (TEVA, Pandora, PayU, Guess, NAFA, Henniges Automotive - also the Polish branches of Japanese companies: Hoya Lens and Nissin Logistics) and local businesses like Neuca SA, Riello. APRO Investment, ChairConcept, JMS, Aniro, Servitor, For Nature Solutions, FST Management or Nova Trading.
In many projects and contracts, SSC Master cooperates closely with worldwide consulting and accounting companies like ADP and Grant Thornton. SSC Master’s initial headquarters was located in TARR technology park in Torun and the company incubation has been successfully supported by EXEA SmartSpace initiative, established and co-financed by EU funds and local government. Having the 28 years of IBM Notes Domino (Lotus) background SSC Master supports also the customers working in IBM groupware environment and provides them with full-featured applications portfolio being natively rooted in it.