Executive Summary

Executive Summary

SSC Master is a workflow software provider founded and entirely owned by experienced engineers and business consultants. The company was founded in December 2014 as the spin-off inheriting the matured and fully operational products, significant learning curve, experience and active contracts with customers. SSC Master has received no financial outside investments yet.
The company focuses on selling and renting carefully designed and integrated applications from the back office software family providing customers with full meaning consultancy, support and flexibility. From the strategic perspective, the company’s flagship product is complete and deep expertise in business workflows and ERP systems integration, filled with innovative solution delivery models, availability and user convenience in mind. The shareholders are interested in taking the company to the next level in terms of business needs understanding, solution perfection and sales burst in the next few years. Solutions provided command the impressive and growing market share. With their flagship product, SSC Master back-office workflows, company plans to maintain a growing market share. These goals will be maintained by adhering to three keys to success: expertise, customer satisfaction and the right management team. The strategy pillars and also the main competitive differentiators are high fidelity workflows integrated with any ERP system, engaged and business sensitive support, strong and direct partnerships with technology leaders like IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and others. Concerning the sophisticated security requirements including ISO27001 guidelines the company focuses on cloud located solutions and fully exploits the potential of EXEA Data Center in Torun, Poland. That Tier 3 technical locations allows full meaning security, scalability and redundancy necessary for real business and public organisations operations. Among the customers there are entities of any scale, the bigger corporate international companies (TEVA, Pandora, PayU, Guess, NAFA, Henniges Automotive - also the Polish branches of Japanese companies: Hoya Lens and Nissin Logistics) and local businesses like Neuca SA, Riello. APRO Investment, ChairConcept, JMS, Aniro, Servitor, For Nature Solutions, FST Management or Nova Trading.
In many projects and contracts, SSC Master cooperates closely with worldwide consulting and accounting companies like ADP and Grant Thornton. SSC Master’s initial headquarters was located in TARR technology park in Torun and the company incubation has been successfully supported by EXEA SmartSpace initiative, established and co-financed by EU funds and local government. Having the 28 years of IBM Notes Domino (Lotus) background SSC Master supports also the customers working in IBM groupware environment and provides them with full-featured applications portfolio being natively rooted in it.



SSC Master is participating in rapidly growing market stimulated by successful SSC/BPO concepts and professional services provided to companies and organisations of any scale. All the major information technology and advisory companies foresee and recommend the engagement in that sector, pointing out the importance of quality, expertise and flexibility as the main growth factors.


The product itself is also important some way :-)

SSC Master intentionally provides only one solution concerned as a portfolio of business-focused workflows. The proper components support the processes being bound to accountancy (Invoices, Trip Expenses), HR management (Profiles and Organisational Hierarchy, Working Time Management, Salaries) and general management (Assets, Reporting, Controlling). Any component can be offered and implemented separately, the further upsell fits perfectly into the existing structure and exploits the users experience earned earlier. One of the main strengths is perfect integration with ERP systems and both directional data feeding. SaaS/cloud availability, affordable subscription licensing models and standardized implementation processes managed and performed by professionals make the SSC Master portfolio the perfect choice for both sophisticated and simplified workflows, multi-branch offices organisations and professional services providers (in proper Partnership model). The growing SSC/BPO market is the most promising and influences the company development strategy and operational plans. The special care is dedicated to user support perfection, which seems to guarantee future successes based on customer satisfaction. The number of applications grows sustainable answering the real business needs indicated and reported by the market. The current language version and support is Polish only, further development plans contain creating the English version and the unlimited languages version based on language packs concept.



SSC Master will follow the current bidirectional strategy staying constantly open-minded for new business models and concepts, ready for pivoting so frequently observed on the contemporary market. As the sophistication level of the solutions provided is relatively high and the C-level customer trust is crucial, the company focuses on approaching the chosen clients directly in the relational sales process and partners with the main consultancy market players (ADP, Grant Thornton, Deloitte and others). The most important competitive edge factors are: business needs understanding, quality of workflows modelling and interfacing, great user support, professional advisory and flexible customisation. Customer convenience in delegating, outsourcing and implementing the business goals is the main concern and ambition of SSC Master. That approach also assumes the build of customized versions of standard products, providing more value for specific groups of customers. The simplified and inexpensive workflows offering available as a cloud only is optionally planned if the market feedback shows the proper potential. The company plans to develop a strong and very precisely targeted marketing infrastructure. This will be key to get the solutions out on the market and create the proper presence and recognition. In terms of geography, the strategy is focused on Polish market first, English speaking markets in the very next step and the final multilanguage version of SSC Master workflows will cover the requirements of every other market. The recurrent revenues generated on cloud and on customer’s premises located solutions are the most expected and promising, but also dedicated projects will be performed – especially for shared services centres and professional services providers. The management supports and guarantees the sustainable growth being also open for the interesting investment and joint venture proposals.


Both founders & shareholders are seasoned managers and experienced consultants who are capable of executing on their ambitious strategies. Krzysztof Baczynski (CEO and President of the Board) has multiple years of sales and marketing experience from corporate and small business companies. He runs SSC Master since it’s early beginning, for over 15 years he was also engaged in workflow engine construction and design.
Krzysztof Lapacz (Vice President) is in IT business solutions business for 28 years now, started just after short academic and industry sales period. He also the entrepreneur running some other IT-focused companies.
More to be found at management team’s LinkedIn profiles:
Krzysztof Baczynski  
Krzysztof Lapacz

SSC Master Sp. z o.o. (limited liability company) is a dynamic startup that was built on humble beginnings in 2014 and has grown to a significant size now with increased revenue forecasts for 2016 and beyond. This is all the more impressive when you consider that this was all done with investments from the owners, no outside capital was secured. The current management principles are based on the reasonable growth of company human resources and assets corresponding directly to revenue levels and profitability. Implementing the controlling models SSC Master intends to keep an eye on the most important economic and general business key factors (KPIs), balancing the company value and the current profitability.
With compliments from SSC Master Team